Bearded Dragon Kingdom

Can you feed your bearded dragon eggs?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat eggs. In fact, eggs are a great source of protein for them. However, you should only feed them cooked eggs, as raw eggs can be dangerous for them to eat, and they should be fed in moderation.

Are eggs good for bearded dragons?

Allowing your bearded dragon to have eggs for an occasional treat can provide an additional protein boost. Eggs are another source of protein that may be beneficial to your bearded dragon, provided they are given sparingly. Eggs may provide many nutrients to your bearded dragon, but they are a little too high in protein and fat to serve as a mainstay of their diet. While eggs are a great source of protein, there is plenty of protein that your bearded dragon already gets from the other foods that your bearded dragon eats, such as crickets and worms. Your beardie may enjoy as much as one-half of one chicken egg every two weeks, but this should not be given as a part of a daily, or even weekly, diet.

Any eggs you feed your bearded dragon must be cooked. Your beardie may enjoy either hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. Make sure the egg is cooled down before serving. Never serve hot eggs to your bearded dragon. When preparing egg, don’t add any additional ingredients.

Your beardie can enjoy eggs every now and then and reap the benefits of the myriad vitamins and minerals that they provide — like Vitamin D, which is great for maintaining a healthy skeletal structure, and is necessary for helping your bearded dragon absorb calcium. Eggs also contain Vitamin A which boosts the immune system, and Vitamin B12 which helps maintain metabolism and increase brain function.

You can give your bearded dragon half an egg once every

two weeks

Eggs may provide many nutrients to your bearded dragon, but they are a little too high in protein and fat to serve as a mainstay of their diet.

Tasty treats for your beardie that provide protein

Below is a general guide of foods you can feed your beaded dragon, that provides protein to his or her diet. Your dragon will need a combination of salads and protein for a rounded diet. Be sure to alternate between protein types to provide the best nutrition and variety for your bearded dragon.



Can feed daily / regularly

Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) 
Calci Worms
Dubia Roaches
Goliath/Horned Worms
Phoenix Worms



Can feed 1-2 times per week

Superworms (adults only)
Wax Worms



Can feed once every 2 weeks

1/2 a hard-boiled or scrambled egg
Mealworms (adults only)

Gut Loading

Be sure to feed your insects a diet packed with nutrients and calcium, so they are even better for your beardie!